What's New as of March 30, 1996

Changes For This Release

The following changes have been made to dt Version 10.2:

The latest version of dt is available on our production machines in the following account:

Location: wasted:~rmiller/dt.d/{dt,dt-ptos}
or via
URL: http://www.zk3.dec.com/~rmiller/dt.html

Mail Send mail to admin of this page: rmiller@zk3.dec.com Home To Robin's home page.

Last modified: March 30, 1996


   [ For those who don't know, here's how SCSI disk bad blocks can be made. ]

imfaster% scu -f /dev/rrz8c
scu> write media lba 1897 count 1
Writing 1 block (1897 - 1897) on /dev/rrz8c (RZ25M) with pattern 0x39c39c39...
scu> show nexus
Device: RZ25M, Bus: 1, Target: 0, Lun: 0, Type: Direct Access
scu> mbad lba 1897 hard
Making HARD Error @ Logical Block 1897 on device /dev/rrz8c (RZ25M)...
scu> verify media
Verifying 1046206 blocks (0 - 1046205) on /dev/rrz8c (RZ25M), please be patient...
scu: Verify error at logical block number 1897 (0x769).
scu: Sense Key = 0x3 = MEDIUM ERROR - Nonrecoverable medium error,
     Sense Code/Qualifier = (0x11, 0) = Unrecovered read error
scu: Error number 1 occurred on Sat Mar 30 07:45:42 1996
scu> read media lba 1897
Reading 1 block (1897 - 1897) on /dev/rrz8c (RZ25M) using pattern 0x39c39c39...
scu: Read error at logical block number 1897 (0x769).
scu: Sense Key = 0x3 = MEDIUM ERROR - Nonrecoverable medium error,
     Sense Code/Qualifier = (0x11, 0) = Unrecovered read error
scu: Error number 1 occurred on Sat Mar 30 07:45:54 1996
scu> quit

[ This example shows a copy w/verify using the bad block generated above. ] imfaster% dt if=/dev/rrz8a of=/dev/rrz8b iomode=copy limit=5m errors=5 dt: 'read' - I/O error dt: Relative block number where the error occcured is 1897 dt: Error number 1 occurred on Sat Mar 30 08:10:41 1996 Copy Statistics: Data operation performed: Copied '/dev/rrz8a' to '/dev/rrz8b'. Total records processed: 10240 @ 512 bytes/record (0.500 Kbytes) Total bytes transferred: 5242880 (5120.000 Kbytes, 5.000 Mbytes) Average transfer rates: 30039 bytes/sec, 29.335 Kbytes/sec Total passes completed: 0/1 Total errors detected: 1/5 Total elapsed time: 02m54.53s Total system time: 00m01.66s Total user time: 00m00.08s dt: 'read' - I/O error dt: Relative block number where the error occcured is 1897 dt: Error number 1 occurred on Sat Mar 30 08:13:35 1996 Verify Statistics: Data operation performed: Verified '/dev/rrz8a' with '/dev/rrz8b'. Total records processed: 10240 @ 512 bytes/record (0.500 Kbytes) Total bytes transferred: 5242880 (5120.000 Kbytes, 5.000 Mbytes) Average transfer rates: 29809 bytes/sec, 29.110 Kbytes/sec Total passes completed: 1/1 Total errors detected: 1/5 Total elapsed time: 02m55.88s Total system time: 00m01.66s Total user time: 00m00.70s Total Statistics: Input device/file name: /dev/rrz8a (Device: RZ25M, type=disk) Total records processed: 20480 @ 512 bytes/record (0.500 Kbytes) Total bytes transferred: 10485760 (10240.000 Kbytes, 10.000 Mbytes) Average transfer rates: 29924 bytes/sec, 29.222 Kbytes/sec Total passes completed: 1/1 Total errors detected: 2/5 Total elapsed time: 05m50.41s Total system time: 00m03.33s Total user time: 00m00.78s Starting time: Sat Mar 30 08:09:25 1996 Ending time: Sat Mar 30 08:15:16 1996 imfaster%